Our Services
Primal Movement Therapy

If you were alive 5,000 years ago, what do you think you would look like? Most likely you would be lean, strong and fit, with a well-proportioned body. You would be a very athletic and active version of your current self. And the best part is you wouldn’t have to step foot into a gym and “workout” to get these impressive results.
You would likely be walking over five miles per day, sprinting to chase animals you would eat, cutting down trees, lifting logs, building shelter, all of which would require you to use your entire body.
Our bodies are an amazing complex web of interconnected muscles, joints, fascia, ligaments, tendons, bones and other tissues and organs that work synchronously and seamlessly. When we are lean and fit, every cubic centimeter of our bodies has a purpose, a function to help us survive and thrive. Primal is survival. We are programmed to survive.
As we grow and experience the harshness of life (i.e. injuries, physical and emotional traumas, inadequate nutrition, poor lifestyle choices, conforming to the sedentary world of today, etc.) this primal instinct system becomes underused and abused.
Musculoskeletal pain syndromes occur out of nowhere beginning to manifest themselves as a result. Weakness and frailty are commonplace today. We were not meant to just coast through life having to deal with pain and injury. We can take back control by remembering and experiencing how to move the way we learned to move in the first place. No matter who we are or where we are in life we all learned to move the same way.
Getting back to primal ground based movement is key. We were all given the baseline template for building a strong and functional body. If we can get back to basics and hit the primal “reset button’’ we can restore and re-establish the power or surviving and thriving.
Primal Movement Chains are designed to do just that. The key to Primal Movement Chains effectiveness is ensuring the brain/body feel safe (stable) in chosen movements and slowly begin challenging that stabilization in fundamental patterns. If the brain feels threatened it will not allow the learning of a new movement pattern. It’s learning capability takes a back seat to self-protection.
However, going down to the ground a making the brain feel safer takes the “brakes” off movement. Movement is the language of the brain. Bring attention to movement and you ignite new patterns of learning ways to correct dysfunctional movement and replace it with functional movement patterns.